
Monday, October 24, 2011

Misc. Monday

Happy Monday! As I sit here, finishing my second cup of coffee, I'm listening to Michael Buble's new Christmas album! Be. Still. My. Heart. (the album was just released today and you can download all 15 tracks on iTunes) I realize it's only October 24, and Halloween has not yet arrived, but I couldn't resist previewing the album once through. Blogging + coffee + Christmas music is a delightful combination on a Monday morning and I hope you would agree. So far I am loving Michael's sweet voice singing holiday songs to me. I'm also happy to add him back to my playlist rotation. I was desperately in need of new Buble tunes in my life. I am not getting to ahead of myself here though. As soon as this album finishes playing on my iTunes, I'll be returning to The Monster Mash station on Pandora. I'm not ready to give up the Spooktacular tunes until next week!

To top off a weekend filled with great and guilty pleasures in the food department, I whipped up a quick dessert. My dear friend Julie posted this Two Minute Personal Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake about a month ago and my belly has been screaming for it ever since. I love her for sharing this recipe and hate that this personal sized dessert is so easy to make. This is a dangerous recipe to add to my rotation of sweet treats I tell you!

In my whining and complaining about missing my beloved Queen City, I forget to mention that I found a little piece of the South right here in the Midwest! Much to my surprise, our local liquor store has a giant supply of Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka! This makes me a very happy girl. There are several brands out there, but Firefly is by far my favorite. And it's made in South Carolina! Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE this stuff? I get warm, fuzzy, happy memories of fun tailgates with my sisters in Boone with each sweet sip.

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by Stacy from How He Asked {dot} com. My dear friend Ashley got engaged a few weeks ago and in my excitement, I tweeted that sweet friends getting engaged made me so happy. Stacy saw my tweet, tracked me down via my little blog, and told me about her website. How He Asked is a fun way to share your engagement stories on the web! What's better than a space dedicated to magical love stories? Please check out this darling website! You may even see someone that you know (wink wink). If you or any of your friends have recently gotten engaged or married, send your stories to Stacy via the website. She would love to hear from you!

I realize that it is Monday and while many people loathe Mondays, I happen to love them. It's like a fresh start and a new page. As I go through my Twitter and Facebook feeds each Monday morning, I notice so many negative thoughts and comments. Smile, people! Find something to be thankful for and just choose to be happy. Others around you will appreciate you for it, and will spread the happiness forward. Trust me on this. It's a basic result in the art of happiness. So if you are in one of those Monday moods, snap out of it and count your blessings. Turn on some Christmas music if you have to! And if you are still not smiling, hopefully this picture will help change your mindset.

Happy Monday!


  1. I saw 2 of the 3 Nido sisters this weekend... can you guess which one I missed? Love you!

  2. Love the picture you ended this post with :) PS- Going along with your "choose to be happy" statement, I just bought "The Happiness Project" at the RDU airport. I'll let you borrow it when I'm done!

  3. I love love love M.B.! He's got such a relaxing voice that makes you forget all your troubles for those three to four minutes of his singing. And the Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka? Oh gosh, my fiance is in LOVE with Sweet Tea and I think I just found a start to his Christmas gift! Thank you Nina :)
