
Monday, March 11, 2013

Frosty Paws {for the four legged furry foodie}

Dogs may have taste buds that are far less complex than ours, but that doesn't mean they don't appreciate a little something extra every now and again. Being a lover of food myself, I can't grasp the fact that Wrigley has to eat the same thing day in and day out. It just doesn't seem fair. So... I mix things up for him every so often. And I like to believe he loves me a little bit more for doing so.

I'm not the only one with a dog treat recipe today. My California sister, Danica, spoils her pups, too! 

Mr. Wrigley enjoys his Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits so much, that I decided it was time to add another doodle treat to the mix. I came across a recipe for Homemade Frosty Paws on The Daily Puppy and knew they would be perfect. We've been running with Wrigley and he loves to lick these up when he gets home from a 30 minute run. 

These frosty paws are technically for dogs, but the humans in our house think they're pretty tasty, too!

Frosty Paws

32 oz. organic plain yogurt
1 ripe banana
2 tsp. natural peanut butter
2 tsp. honey

In the bowl of a food processor, pulse the banana and yogurt until smooth. Add the peanut butter and honey and pulse until completely mixed. Pour mixture into ice cube trays and freeze until solid (about 4-6 hours). My ice cube trays hold 20 cubes each and I filled two whole trays! These will last us over a month. The treats will pop right out of the tray when they're ready.

Store in an airtight container in the freezer.

I usually hold up the treat for the Wrigster and let him go to town for a bit before it gets melty. Once it's about halfway gone, I drop it to the floor and let him enjoy the rest on his own!

Wrigley loves his Frosty Paws!!!


  1. I sure bet wrigley is glad to be home :)

  2. I have been wanting to make these for my 2 dogs ever since I first saw them on Pinterest, I might have to make them this weekend for Sully & Brenna
