Monday, August 13, 2018


If there's one thing that I will always love about blogging, it's the sense of community it brings. I started this little space almost 10 years ago which is crazy to think about! Social media and the internet can be a crazy place, but I have met some of my dearest friends through blogging and for that I'm forever thankful. 

I'm popping in today to share the story of my friend April's sweet little girl Charlotte in hopes to reach more people and share a few things we are doing around the city of Charlotte and beyond to help this wonderful family. 

Here's a quick snippet of Charlotte's story below:

Our Chari-girl. 💕 Many of you have followed along on our journey and know we’ve been desperately seeking answers for why Charlotte didn’t start walking and why we’ve seen other scary regressions lately. I wanted an answer so badly. Now I wish we didn’t have it. We are heartbroken to say we’ve received news that she has Leukodystrophy, which is incurable and terminal. I don’t even know what to say. We’ve been at the hospital since Monday afternoon. We have a group of angels as friends who have stepped in and set up a designated email address to manage for us requests that have been coming in of how to love on her during this excruciating time (robsonfamilyhelp at gmail). We are respectfully requesting for privacy at this time while we just love on Char and work on getting her home.
A post shared by April R. (@smidgeofthis) on

A Go Fund Me has been set up for the Robson family to help with medical and any other unforeseen expenses during this time.

Additionally, we have some super cute tees with the CLTforCharlotte logo- I can't wait to see everyone around Charlotte and beyond wearing these. The t-shirt sales end THIS SATURDAY, August 18, 2018! We originally set the goal to sell 150 shirts but sales sky rocketed this weekend and now I'm thinking we can get to 500 or beyond! Just amazing.

CLICK HERE for Adult and Youth tees.

CLICK HERE for Toddler tees and Baby onesies

All the prayers and love to this sweet family.