During Will's twelfth month, I found myself saying "this time last year" daily. The month before he arrived is still so vivid in my mind and I cannot believe an entire year has passed. Those delirious new parents of a newborn days seem so far away but re-living them through photos remind me of just how happy we were to become a family of three.
Will continues to be perfect in every way! At his one year appointment, he weighed 20 pounds, 7.5 ounces and was measuring in at 29 inches long. He did not enjoy this visit AT ALL. In fact, he cried harder, louder and longer than I have ever heard him cry in his entire life. Poor little buddy. But the good news is that he is happy and healthy and thriving...and according to our awesome pediatrician, is just like every other one year old in the world and hates going to the doctor.
This past month, Will started pulling himself up to a standing position with assistance. He pulls up on everything these days and is so proud of himself. I love watching him become more and more confident. His personality is hilarious and I think he is going to be a constant little entertainer who loves being in the spotlight. Hmmm...no clue where he gets that one from.
Will's little voice is becoming more and more clear as he figures out sounds and intonations as he communicates with us. He copies so many things that we do and it's so funny to watch. His "talking" is just about the cutest thing ever and I love listening to him babble in his crib when he wakes up from his naps. He says "da-da-da" all day long and when I answer with "ma-ma-ma", he just keeps saying "da-da-da". He'll get it one day soon, I hope! He loves reading, bath time, anything with wheels and listening to Hakuna Matata.
Last month, Will enjoyed yet another trip to Boone to watch Aunt Natalie graduate from Appalachian State! Nat was an all-star Mountaineer and was able to get us front-row, VIP tickets to the graduation ceremony. Will was pretty much in heaven and provided the graduates with some free entertainment. Natalie is going to the be the very best third grade teacher and we are so proud of her.
My aunt and uncle made the trip to North Carolina for graduation and little Will just loved them! This was the first time they met Will and it was so special to see them together.
Will's little social life never stops! We see our friends often and there is always fun to be had. We went to the strawberry patch in mid-May and had so much fun. He still loves our once a week music class, story time at the library, and our new favorite activity, music with Mr. Nigel.
I have been working with Will and his sippy cup for a few months now, and he FINALLY got the hang of it. We stopped by my grandma's house for lunch after music a few weeks ago, and something must have clicked. He would take a sip and put his cup down and clap in my grandma's face- such a proud little boy! He's been sipping like a champ ever since.
We celebrated Memorial day with my family and some of our friends and Captain America stole the show. Another festive piece of Target Dollar Spot head gear for the win!
At the end of the month, our neighborhood hosted its annual Spring picnic! It was so much fun to have Will with us this year. At last year's picnic, I was two days overdue and my belly was bursting at the seams. That night, we hung out at our neighbors until the wee hours of the morning and everyone kept planning scenarios of what they would do if I went into labor. Little did they know, I would be on my way to the hospital at 10am the following morning and that less than 24 hours later, we would have our little baby Will! My how fast things can change.
Oh, William Michael. We love you to the moon and back and have cherished each day of your first year. We cannot believe how much you have grown and changed before our eyes and we are so proud of the little person that you are already becoming.
Being your parents is the greatest thing in the entire world and we cannot wait to see what year number two brings.
Happy 12 months, little one!
Will's little voice is becoming more and more clear as he figures out sounds and intonations as he communicates with us. He copies so many things that we do and it's so funny to watch. His "talking" is just about the cutest thing ever and I love listening to him babble in his crib when he wakes up from his naps. He says "da-da-da" all day long and when I answer with "ma-ma-ma", he just keeps saying "da-da-da". He'll get it one day soon, I hope! He loves reading, bath time, anything with wheels and listening to Hakuna Matata.
Last month, Will enjoyed yet another trip to Boone to watch Aunt Natalie graduate from Appalachian State! Nat was an all-star Mountaineer and was able to get us front-row, VIP tickets to the graduation ceremony. Will was pretty much in heaven and provided the graduates with some free entertainment. Natalie is going to the be the very best third grade teacher and we are so proud of her.
At the end of the month, our neighborhood hosted its annual Spring picnic! It was so much fun to have Will with us this year. At last year's picnic, I was two days overdue and my belly was bursting at the seams. That night, we hung out at our neighbors until the wee hours of the morning and everyone kept planning scenarios of what they would do if I went into labor. Little did they know, I would be on my way to the hospital at 10am the following morning and that less than 24 hours later, we would have our little baby Will! My how fast things can change.
*Special thanks to Aunt Jen {The Polka Dot Posie} for the cute monthly stickers. Thanks for making our monthly photo shoots a little more fun!
He is precious! I am cracking up at his face in that last photo! Pure sweetness...can't wait to read the posts on his birthday festivities! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh. my. word. He is so adorable I can hardly stand it! I'm so happy for you on this journey and can't wait to see what else is in store for you guys!
ReplyDeletePetal, I am dying reading this. I cannot believe Will is 1 already! He's such a cutie pie and it has been so wonderful to watch him enrich yours and Mark's lives so much :) Yay Moore family!