...and all through the Nido house,
all the lovies sprinkling cheer, even the garage mouse.
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care,
waiting for St. Nick (and Mark!) to be there!
3 sisters nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of creme brulee dance in their heads.
Mom in her apron and Dad is his ASU cap,
Are tired of cooking and need a winter's nap.
When down in the dining room there arose such a clatter,
A four legged furball Ozzie was causing this matter.
Under the table he hid and he chewed,
On a dining room chair...he's cute but quite rude!
Desserts to be made and eggnog lattes to sip,
mistletoe hung for a kiss on the lips.
Its time to be merry, a delightful time for all,
Our Christmas even pajama party will be quite the ball.
A twinkling tree with an angel high above,
Wishing you all peace, joy and love!
This is by far my favorite post yet!