Tuesday, August 21, 2012

White Lab Coats, Coconut Macaroons, Elf Poses & Jello Shots

We spent the weekend in Detroit celebrating my sister's graduation from The University of Detroit Mercy's Physician Assistant Program. We are all so proud of her and everything she has done over the past two years to get to this point. Her dedication and drive are beyond anything I can imagine. I'm telling y'all, no one studies as hard as my sister!! 

My dad, also a Physician Assistant and (distinguished) graduate of the same program, had an extra glow on Friday as Andi walked across the stage and received her long white coat. He is SO PROUD. 

We celebrated with dinner in Detroit's Greektown on Friday night where we enjoyed our favorite stuffed grape leaves, saganaki (flaming cheese) and after dinner treats at Astoria Pastry Shop

Andi, my parents and I hopped into the Greektown Casino to see if we could could win any lucky money! It was quite a memorable experience and the graduate won a whopping 85 cents.

...while Mark and Natalie guarded our bakery sweets. If I could send each of you a coconut macaroon and baklava from Astoria, they would be delivered to your mailboxes tomorrow. SO GOOD. 

The celebrations continued with a party with family and friends on Saturday night. Andi's cake was from the same bakery that used to make our birthday cakes when we were tiny little lovies! The Pastry Palace creation was as decadent as we remembered it being.

We even threw in some Jello shots for good measure. Gummy bears at the bottom though? Not necessarily our best idea but they made for a lot of laughs and puzzled faces. 

It was a weekend filled with lots of love, tons of celebrating, quoting The Santa Clause and of course, good food. 

So proud of you Andi. Congratulations on all of your hard work! Now pass your test and get to Charlotte! Oh, and Ozzie, too. XOXO


  1. Sweet post! Tell Andi I said congratulations; I know I don't know her, but that's a huge accomplishment!

    This may be a silly question, but why were you quoting The Santa Clause? I'm not sure I can even think of a quote from that movie...

  2. Your fam is too cute friend! I miss you! I feel like I haven't seen you on video in ages! :) I hope you are getting settled in the new place!

  3. I am so late commenting, but you were basically in my backyard! I live ten minutes northwest of Detroit. Congratulations to your sister! I hope y'all enjoyed your weekend in Detroit, and it looks like you did!

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