Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas season and that you were able to ring in 2014 in a memorable way. 2013 truly was THE MOST WONDERFUL year and we are so thankful for everything that came with it.
Christmas arrived so quickly this year and during all of the magic and fun, our little boy turned 6 months old! I held it together with no tears, much to my surprise. At his 6 month appointment, he weighed 15 pounds, 15 ounces and is 27 inches long. His daddy is hoping he will be tall...and a quarterback!
I know I say this every month, but this REALLY has been my favorite so far.
I cannot describe the joy sweet Will brings us every day. He is forming his own little personality more and more and truly is the happiest baby ever.
Will is on the move! The little guy has been rolling around like crazy when we play on the floor. He is so proud of himself!
Right before Thanksgiving, Will got his first case of the sniffles. He held out for 5 months which I would say is pretty darn good. Even with a fever, he was still smiling. Extra snuggles included.
I was so excited about running the Turkey Trot this year with little Will in tow! Last Thanksgiving, I had just announced that I was pregnant and I got teary seeing all of the families running. Unfortunately, it was the coldest it has ever been and with Will getting over his cold, it just wouldn't have been smart to take him out there. Mark stayed home with him while I ran with my family. It was a wonderful day and we celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family of three!
The beginning of December was the most magical of all, as we brought Christmas into our house. Everyone says that once you have a baby, Christmas goes to a whole new level. My level is already at the highest possible when it comes to Christmas but somehow, having Will this year made my heart EXPLODE. His eyes just lit up at the first sight of twinkle lights, something I will remember forever.
Will is the luckiest lovie to be surrounded by so much family and so much love.
If I could keep him this age forever, I would, but somehow, each month is better than the last.
Happy 6 months, little one!
Will is absolutely adorable. And so smiley! Happy six months, little man.