Actually...this introduction is just for effect because in all reality, I have been thinking about this blog post since Monday, when the numbers 102 appeared on my twitter updates and my heart skipped a beat. If I could insert some sort of "scent technology" on this post and create the wonderful smells (think cinnamon, sugar plum, spice, peppermint, gingerbread and fresh pine) of what is about to hit us in 100 days, I would be one extremely happy blogger. But alas, the art of the written word will have to do as I prepare to embark on the yearly countdown of all countdowns. My eyes are about to well up with tears because I hold this time of year so near and dear. I love the meaning behind the season, the traditions and all of the little blessings and delights that come with it! The Nido house especially is like a Christmas wonderland from the end of November through New Year's. I love the beautifully lit entrance to our house from the front porch, shown above. Sadly I do not reside there full time but despite the fact that my dad will correct me and call it his house, I will forever continue to take part ownership of my haven on India Wilkes. I would love to get a head start on this year's holiday recipes if you have any to share.
And how appropriate that tonight I am making dinner with 3 of my favorite girls in the world (the clackers!!!). I can't help but be reminded of our journey uptown last December to see the Nutcracker! (which also means I am sitting here laughing at myself thinking about running from the Epicentre to Blumenthal sprinting up Trade St. in Christmas dresses and high heels! If only I could express in words the looks of people trying to enjoy a relaxing holiday stroll on twinkling Trade St.
And speaking of countdowns...15 days until I fly to NYC and meet Mark in the big apple!!! I can' hardly contain my excitement.
I am right there with you for the Christmas excitement!!! "The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear!"